Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dress Clothes Donation

Students, 8th graders, are being asked to donate 2 clean, decent (no holes or rips) dress code items by Friday, May 29th.  If students donate the items, they will be allowed to dress down, district dress code, for Friday, May 29th.  This is only available to 8th grade students.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Red, White, and Blue Day

Student Council will be hosting a Red, White, and Blue Shirt Day with dress code bottoms on Monday in honor of Memorial Day. We also plan to have an activity during lunch to honor those who lost their lives.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

8th Grade Awards Celebration

Saluda Trail Middle School
Celebrates Your Child’s Middle School Years

You are cordially invited
to an
8th Grade Awards Celebration
for your child
to be held on

Thursday, June 4th, 2015
9:00 A.M.
in the
Saluda Trail gym

Dress:  Girls- dresses, slacks/blouse
             Boys- slacks/shirt

2300 Saluda Road, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone (803) 981-1800
Fax (803) 981-1819

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Address Change?

Attention 8th grade parents- If your address has changed anytime throughout the year, please provide proof of residence (electric bill, gas bill or lease agreement) to Mrs. Hilton in guidance as soon as possible. If we do not have the correct address in our system, your child may not receive their elective choices for 9th grade. All middle school records will be sent to the zoned high school we have on file based on the current listed address. Please call Kim Hilton at 803-981-1807 if you have any questions.

8th Grade Class T-shirts

Can be worn Friday, May 15th with dress code bottoms.  We will take another class picture together during academy time.

8th Grade Dance