Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Boeing DreamLearners Field Study

The Boeing Plant in Charleston met some of their future employees today.  The rain that we encountered did not put any gloom on our trip.  The teachers even left excited.

Saluda Trail set a new paper airplane flight record today while in attendance at Boeing.  At the end of our tour the students were placed into groups and given a specific job.  They had to work together to build a paper airplane that would fly the farthest under budget.  The flight record was set in September of 2011 by a group of ladies from a military school in Charleston.  Today, a group of our gentlemen set the new flight record.  Way to go!

Congratulations to:
-Chandler S. (finance)
-Anderson K. (Engineer 1)
-Nyierre E. (Engineer 2)
-Michael E. (Mechanic)
-Greyson B. (Materials Management)
- Jackson H. (Test Pilot)

Day 1 Pictures
Day 2 Pictures

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